Legal notice


gettex is the market maker-supported trading model at Boerse Muenchen based on its own electronic trading system. Trading takes place under the Market Identifier Codes "MUNC" (Regulated Market) and "MUND" (Regulated Unofficial Market). Boerse Muenchen is a stock exchange under public law operated by Bayerische Boerse AG (hereinafter also referred to individually or together as "Boerse"). Bayerische Boerse AG also operates the website and its subpages (hereinafter also referred to collectively as the "Website") and provides various online offers (hereinafter also referred to as “Online Offer”). The following conditions apply to the use of this Website:

1. Contents of the Website and Disclaimer

 a) Contents of the Website, Newsletter Function and Audio Podcast

The contents of this Website and its subpages do not constitute a public offer by Bayerische Boerse AG or Boerse Muenchen. The content provided on this Website is for information purposes only. The Börse provides no guarantee for the recency, accuracy, completeness, or quality of the information on the Website. It shall not be liable for maintaining provision of the services free from interruption or failure, for ensuring permanent access to the services, or for secure and fault-free data transfer. The Börse shall not be responsible for any loss of information or services, or for any incomplete, delayed, or otherwise improper provision thereof.

The content and information published on this Website – including that which is made available through the inclusion of editorial contributions, offers and links to third-party offers and content – is for information purposes only. The Boerse does not provide any financial services in this respect, in particular it provides no investment advice or investment brokerage or other recommendations within the meaning of the German Securities Trading Act (WpHG). Specifically, the Website does not contain a call to buy/sell securities or to emulate an investment strategy. Neither the author of third-party content nor the operator of the Website providing the content assumes any liability for the recency, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided.

The same applies to content and information that can be obtained via the Website's newsletter function or via the audio podcast available on the website. In particular, this content and information does not constitute a public offer for the purchase of securities or investment advice, brokerage, or other recommendations within the meaning of the WpHG. The Börse reserves the right to limit the newsletter’s scope of use at any time and without prior notice, or to discontinue this service altogether. 

b) Disclaimer

aa) General Disclaimer

The Boerse is not liable for damage resulting from actions taken on the basis of the content and information contained in this Online Offer, with the exception of liability for intent or gross negligence, as well as in cases of mandatory statutory liability for injury to life, health or limb.

In particular, liability claims caused by the use or non-use of the information or by the use of incorrect and/or incomplete information are excluded. This also applies to third-party content and information on the Website and to content and information that can be obtained via the Website's newsletter function.

It is expressly stated that trading in financial instruments is always associated with risks and that a total loss of the capital invested cannot be ruled out. It should therefore be verified before each transaction whether it is suitable and appropriate with regard to the personal and financial circumstances of the person concerned. Advice in this regard can be provided especially by credit institutions, but not by the Börse.

bb) Liability for Links

The Website may contain links to websites of other providers whose design, content, and updating are not subject to the Boerse’s sphere of influence. The Börse has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design or content of the linked websites. The Börse therefore distances itself from all third-party content. Furthermore, it accepts no liability for the functionality of the links or for their content, nor for the harmlessness or absence of viruses of linked and listed websites operated by other providers. The use of these websites is exclusively at the user's own risk. Liability for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content and in particular for any damage resulting from the use or non-use of such information lies solely with the provider of the linked website.

cc)  Legal Validity of the Disclaimer

This disclaimer forms part of the Website containing the link to this page. In the event that individual parts of or formulations contained in this text are not, or are no longer, legally valid either in whole or in part, the content and validity of the remaining parts of the document remain unaffected.

2. Market Price Data

a) Real-time Price Data

The area of the gettex Website accessible to all users displays real-time price data for all securities tradable on gettex. Users of real-time price data expressly agree to the following terms of use of Bayerische Boerse AG: 

  • The real-time price data is intended for personal use only.

  • Users are not entitled to use the real-time price data for business purposes, to pass them on to third parties, to publish them, or to sell them.

  • The Börse reserves the right to limit the scope of the available real-time price data at any time and without prior notice, to change these conditions or to discontinue this complete service. The fundamental possibility for users to use real-time price data does not constitute a general legal claim to use the Website nor to access real-time price data.

The general exclusion of liability of Börse München and Bayerische Boerse AG (see "Disclaimer") applies accordingly to the real-time price data provided. 

b) Delayed Data

Due to regulatory requirements, trading venues in the European Union are obliged to make delayed pre- and post-trade data (data) available free of charge. The special conditions under "Delayed Data" also apply to the provision of this data.

c) Market Data Marketing Agreement

Provided that third parties obtain gettex real-time price data (pre- and post-trade data) from Bayerische Börse AG on the basis of a bilateral Market Data Marketing Agreement, the terms of this agreement shall apply in the relationship between the contracting parties.

3. Analyst Data

In addition to company-related data, the website also presents assessments and forecasts from securities analysts and analysis firms (hereinafter referred to as "analyst data"). This is content created by third parties, which is consolidated by the service provider Refinitiv Germany GmbH, a member of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), automatically supplied at regular intervals and integrated into the presentation of the website. The website presents company-related data from the most recent publications of the companies as well as (consolidated) analyst assessments or the coming year, whereby the number of consolidated analyst assessments and the analysis methods may vary depending on the company or security analyzed. 

The presentation of analyst data, including analyst ratings, on the website is for information purposes only. It does not constitute individual investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell specific securities, nor does it constitute a public offer in this regard. In particular, the presentation does not replace investor and investment advice.

The disclaimer of warranty and liability under section 1 letters a) and b) applies. 

4. gettex Risk Indices

On the website, various sentiment indices are also displayed in the “Screen Markets” section under the collective term “gettex Risk Indices”, which measure market sentiment and reflect current investor behavior. This content is created automatically at regular intervals and integrated into the presentation of the website. The indices are calculated on the basis of gettex trading data (short-term version) or gettex trading data and other components (long-term version) according to predefined parameters. The gettex trading data includes data from the certificate, warrant and equity markets.

The presentation of the “gettex Risk Indices” on the website is for information purposes only. It does not constitute individual investment advice or a recommendation to buy or sell specific securities. In particular, the presentation does not replace investor and investment advice. The disclaimer of warranty and liability under section 1 letters a) and b) applies.

5. Data Protection

The protection of personal data is an important concern for Bayerische Boerse AG, which is taken into account in all business processes. Details on this can be found in the "Privacy Policy of Bayerische Boerse AG".

6. Final Provisions

a) All legal relationships between Bayerische Boerse AG and the user shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. Munich is agreed as the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes between Bayerische Börse AG and the user arising from or in connection with the use of this Website, to the extent permitted by law.

b) In addition to the German version of the Legal Notice, there is also this English translation. However, only the German version is legally binding.

c) Should a certain provision of the Legal Notice be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead, the invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same applies to any loopholes.

Bayerische Boerse AG, Hopfenstrasse 4, 80335 Muenchen